Tribute to Julio Cortazar.

In Paris I was wandering and roaming around Xeme arr. and I discovered by chance the place where Cortazar dwelled in Paris, so I wrote this poem.




Tongues of black wild orchids are thrusting from the subway

When I go out I behold nothing in my hand but I know where I go

Black people with waived hair stop me on their way

The tenth arrondissement is screaming like an express boiling pot cooking meat

The breath is becoming ticker as I walk to you, me, alone, while I step down

the fall of someone’s else bravery, cigarettes tucked in the paving stone, mute souls

before the great morning when you wake up, when you wake me up with your hand in my hair

on the wooden floor you are searching for your socks, knees, grass, rainbows

I am stepping down fragile branches, and I fill glasses until I start scrolling down within

The high heels are grumbling and sticking to the sound of the bandoneon

And all those tongues, serpents, dragons, rhinoceros are blazing on my head while I am coming into you

And frightened I stick tight in my hand the number of your door

Of your hidden household.





Author: Wandering Sights

My Poetry-Inter-Zone!

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